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  • 2023年7月28日
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ag体育正规以其世界级的葡萄酒而闻名, 豪华住宿, 还有无数的美食选择, 但它也是R的主要目标&R. Lavish spas with rejuvenating body treatments abound in all parts of the valley, 所以无论你是想在卡利斯托加洗个泥浴, 在纳帕的山洞里按摩, 或者在离酒店房间几步之遥的地方进行放松治疗, 你有自己的选择. When you’re ready to get pampered, here are 10 of the best 纳帕 spas to visit.

住宿 / Calistoga

Dr. 威尔金森后院度假村 & 矿物温泉

Drawing guests to enjoy its healing mineral waters since 1952, the recently revamped Dr. Wilkinson’s remains a premier destination in Calistoga — now with a more playful, retro spirit. 而整个度假村的生活和呼吸健康, 现场水疗中心是严重的放松寻求者的最终目的地. 在这里, 你会发现四个泥浴, 三个富含矿物质的温泉池, CBD的治疗方法, 还有芳香疗法的体验, 所有设置在一个宁静的花园设置.


你不能错过体验泥浴治疗,完善的博士. 70多年前,威尔金森的作品仍然是最受欢迎的作品之一. 特色是火山泥面膜, 盐浸矿泉浴治疗, 蒸汽, 毛毯包裹, 60分钟按摩, 这两个小时的体验真的很壮观, ridding the body of toxins while allowing your mind to embrace true serenity.

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住宿 /圣赫勒拿


梅多伍德ag体育正规 has been the pinnacle of Wine Country luxury for decades, and its refined yet understated elegance continues to draw visitors to its picturesque property near St. 海伦娜. Wellness seekers won’t want to miss a visit to the tranquil Spa at Meadowood. 以宁静为设计理念, 拥有自然开放空间, 跳水池, 还有舒缓的水景, the calming space features extra large treatment suites with in-room 蒸汽 showers and lounge areas, 让您在治疗前后轻松放松.


在树屋静修处预定一次治疗, which is partly open to the elements and features a fireplace and hand-hammered copper tub. The Tree House Oligomer Sea Salt bath is an especially balancing way to fortify the mind and body.

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水疗 /圣赫勒拿

Spa Alila 纳帕 Valley

在豪华的阿利拉度假村的心脏在圣. 海伦娜躺在宁静的天堂:阿丽拉水疗中心. 即使你没有在度假胜地享受一夜的舒适, the spa welcomes day visitors to journey into a world of relaxation and rejuvenation through a variety of thoughtful treatments. Drawing inspiration from age-old healing traditions and the splendor of nature's offerings, each therapeutic face and body treatment is a fusion of nature and artistry aimed to restore the balance between mind and body and invoke a state of pure bliss.


旨在帮助调整你的身体和更新你的精神, the signature Alila Massage takes an East-meets-West approach to whole body wellness. 使用慢, 深层运动来重置你的气,释放能量限制, the treatment then incorporates facial acupressure using Alila’s custom massage 石油 to encourage a natural glow from within.

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水疗 /纳帕


位于纳帕南部的梅里塔奇度假村和水疗中心, Spa Terra是一个特殊的地方放松和放松在葡萄酒的国家. 位于地下地洞, Spa Terra独特的环境既安静又幽静, 允许一个人完全拥抱平静和内省的感觉. 选择各种芳香疗法增强按摩和面部护理, 夫妻的包, 还有季节性特色菜, then sink into a state of inner tranquility before retreating to the pool for a cleansing dip post-treatment.


The cave-inspired Cave Stone Massage is truly unique in that it uses heated basalt river stones and warm 石油 to increase circulation 和平衡 the central nervous system, 让你更有幸福感.

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水疗 / Calistoga

MoonAcre水疗 & 洗澡

位于卡利斯托加汽车旅馆, MoonAcre水疗酒店怎么样, 19世纪80年代经典的卡利斯托加澡堂的年轻版本. 在这里, 水疗中心的乐趣精神是显而易见的整个服务, 比如有趣的泥画体验, 它的公共区域, 比如男女共用的蒸汽房. 无需成为Calistoga Motor Lodge的客人即可体验MoonAcre, as day passes are available and include access to the spa garden and mineral pools.


试试MoonAcre泥烤浴 & 按摩独特的旋转在典型的泥浴仪式. It all starts with a salt soak in one of the clawfoot bathtubs before painting your skin with mineral-rich mud. After rinsing off in an outdoor rain shower, you’ll get to enjoy a massage and 蒸汽.

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水疗 /纳帕


周围环绕着纳帕乡村的原始景色, 卡内罗斯度假村和水疗中心是葡萄酒国家悠闲氛围的缩影, 它在现场, 客人专用水疗中心也不例外. Offering an extensive selection of traditional and specialty skin and body treatments, 每一个灵感都来自于葡萄酒之乡丰富的自然资源, The Carneros水疗中心 is the perfect place to sink into a deep state of relaxation and kiss your worries goodbye.


度假村的CBD按摩是缓解疼痛或不适的首选, using local lavender to relax and calm the mind and a blend of full-spectrum CBD and herbs to relieve tension and reduce inflammation.

水疗 /纳帕


位于ag体育正规经典, the Spa at the Silverado Resort is a top destination for wellness aficionados. 提供广泛的皮肤和身体护理, 包括按摩, 护肤品, 头发和脱毛服务, 以及针对男性的治疗方法, 西尔维拉多的水疗中心确实有适合每个人的东西. 豪华的设施和设施, 包括桑拿, 蒸汽房, 泳池里, 和惠而浦, 客人是否可以在购买疗程后使用, but people not staying at the resort can also have access during the week (for a fee).


对于一些不同的,尝试7脉轮平衡按摩. This healing treatment incorporates a sound bath as well as seven unique aromatherapy 石油 blends targeted on the seven chakras, 平衡能量,让你感觉完全平静.

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水疗 / Calistoga

Spa Solage

The motto of this 纳帕 Valley getaway is “Detox, retox, repeat” – one visit and it’s easy to see why. 屡获殊荣的, 20,000平方英尺的Spa Solage的灵感来自卡利斯托加的热水, and treatments include revitalizing mud and mineral water therapies as well as seasonally-focused massage specials. 在水疗中心, the Bathhouse features five geothermal pools with temperatures ranging from icy cold to 蒸汽ing hot. 使用这种沐浴仪式可以刺激血液循环,恢复健康.


而大多数水疗体验都是在白天进行的, The Starlight at The Bathhouse is something you and your significant other will want to stay up after hours for. 发生在夜晚的星空下, this uber-private experience allows couples to restore and connect in a truly memorable way. Enjoy a customized mudslide experience for two with a candlelit rose petal bath, 一瓶起泡酒, 厨师准备了两人份的食物, 以及为终极R准备的美味甜点&R&R -休息,放松,浪漫,就是这样.

水疗 / AG体育平台

巴尔德索诺酒店B Spa怎么样

准备好融化你的紧张? Look no further than B Spa, located at the exquisite and eco-friendly Bardessono Hotel & 在AG体育平台做水疗. Bespoke seasonal offerings range from body scrubs to hot stone massages to aromatherapy treatments, all of which incorporate ingredients hand-picked from Bardessono’s on-site organic garden. 更, massages can be enjoyed within the spa center or in the privacy of your guest room, 创造一个诱人的水疗体验量身定制您的喜好. 不管你选择什么样的皮肤或身体治疗, 毫无疑问,你会觉得从头到脚都很幸福.


适合葡萄酒之乡, the 纳帕 Vino Polish Body Glow Treatment is a unique body scrub that incorporates locally-crushed grape seeds, 石油, 自然盐, 薰衣草可以恢复你的容光焕发,让你感觉神清气爽.

住宿 / AG体育平台


位于AG体育平台的南端, 酒店AG体育平台是一个宁静的地方休息你的头在葡萄酒的国家, 但要真正提高放松因素的赌注, 不要错过参观他们的现场水疗中心. Conveniently located near the pool (perfect for taking a post-treatment dip), the spa features a variety of services meant to rejuvenate the mind and body. 而个人治疗是一种乐趣, 三对夫妇的水疗套房-特色水疗浴缸, 瑞士淋浴, and fireplaces – make this the ultimate place to unwind with your significant other. 不管你用的是什么服务, be sure to visit the TARA Wellness aromatherapy bar cart beforehand to create a personal 石油 blend from the various formulas – each designed to help with things like sleep, 压力, 能源, 和平衡.


水疗中心根据每个季节的需要提供特殊的护理, 所以一定要好好利用. The Couples Retreat Vinotherapy Ritual is especially fitting for Wine Country, 以芳香疗法浴和一杯起泡酒为特色, 然后是浪漫的, 一起按摩.





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